There seems to be a great lie in the 21st century that is being perpetrated by good, well-meaning people. It is the lie that says Tolerance is superior to Conviction. This subject has been slowing working its way into the educational processes of our public schools over the last half century, but it came to be a priority position since 9.11.01.
We have been taught that the most important human value was that of “tolerance and respect” toward all people regardless of any circumstances. In these days of religious battles in the Middle East, it is the Christian population that is being forced to express tolerance regardless of our convictions. USNEWS.COM asks the following question: “How tolerant do you think Christians in the United States are of people of other faiths?” Here are their reported results: 38% Very tolerant; 30% Somewhat tolerant; 18% Somewhat intolerant; and 14% Not tolerant at all. Clearly this “unscientific poll” reveals that nearly 70% of the people believe that Christians are tolerant toward people of all faiths.
Why are Christians the ones being examined? Why not ask, “How tolerant do you think Muslims, Hindus, or Agnostics in the United States are of people of the Christian faith?” Why are Christians always the ones asked to be tolerant and accepting of everyone else? Why are Christians routinely discriminated against without any protest from government, society, or the press, while every other group finds protection and advocacy for all their causes? Why is tolerance only expected from Christians?
While the idea of “tolerance” sounds noble and honorable, I am afraid it is based upon flawed assumptions.
Tolerance cannot mean acceptance.
As Christians we are “entrusted with the Gospel” (1 Thes. 2:4) which means we have a mandate to share our faith with all people. We cannot accept those things that are contrary to the Word, Will, and Way of God. When a person’s life (or religion) is in conflict to the Gospel, we cannot accept it as being valid.
As Christians we are “entrusted with the Gospel” (1 Thes. 2:4) which means we have a mandate to share our faith with all people. We cannot accept those things that are contrary to the Word, Will, and Way of God. When a person’s life (or religion) is in conflict to the Gospel, we cannot accept it as being valid.
Tolerance cannot mean agreement.
In our culture of “diversity” and “universalism” we are often asked to agree that all roads, as long as they are sincere, ultimately lead to God. Pluralism is completely contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible clearly proclaims that Jesus, alone, is the only way to the Father (John. 14:6).
In our culture of “diversity” and “universalism” we are often asked to agree that all roads, as long as they are sincere, ultimately lead to God. Pluralism is completely contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible clearly proclaims that Jesus, alone, is the only way to the Father (John. 14:6).
Tolerance cannot mean approval.
Today Christians spend an inordinate amount of time trying to find “common ground” among all people. Entire churches have become “seeker friendly” to a fault. Churches, and in some cases, large parts of denominations, that once boldly preached the blood of Jesus Christ as the only payment for the penalty of human sin, have removed this message from their regular preaching. I fear that we are seeking the approval of man over the message and approval of God. The writer of Hebrews concretely asserts, “Without the shedding of blood, there is NO forgiveness of sin” (Hebrews 9:22). This is God’s only plan of redemption.
Today Christians spend an inordinate amount of time trying to find “common ground” among all people. Entire churches have become “seeker friendly” to a fault. Churches, and in some cases, large parts of denominations, that once boldly preached the blood of Jesus Christ as the only payment for the penalty of human sin, have removed this message from their regular preaching. I fear that we are seeking the approval of man over the message and approval of God. The writer of Hebrews concretely asserts, “Without the shedding of blood, there is NO forgiveness of sin” (Hebrews 9:22). This is God’s only plan of redemption.
Christians have the responsibility of being “salt and light” in the midst of a bland, and dark society. We are obligated to share the message of Hope with a lost and dying world with a spirit of grace and reconciliation. We are to be, as Paul asserts, “Ambassadors of Christ” in all that we do. There are three simple things we must remember in this effort:
Live in the grace of Faith.
This means simply that we are constantly aware of God’s provision, protection, and promises. We must understand that God alone enables us to have opportunities to share the Gospel with others. You and I are not called upon to “force open” the doors of evangelism. It has constantly been my experience and belief that God will open doors everyday as we live in fellowship with Him.
This means simply that we are constantly aware of God’s provision, protection, and promises. We must understand that God alone enables us to have opportunities to share the Gospel with others. You and I are not called upon to “force open” the doors of evangelism. It has constantly been my experience and belief that God will open doors everyday as we live in fellowship with Him.
Live in the grace of Hope.
In other words, as we live by faith, it is faith in the Son of God. Our motivation must always be our conviction that “Jesus is Lord!” He is the only path of access to the Father. This is true, not only by the Biblical record, but also by the fact that Jesus is not a representative of God – He IS God! We must continually be aware of the fact that the only Hope of the world is Jesus. Solutions to the world’s problems will NOT be achieved by the deeds of good men, a mighty military, or an adequate democratic government. Man’s best efforts produce nothing more than the reformation of the societal models. Jesus alone is able to produce the transformation of individuals within the society.
In other words, as we live by faith, it is faith in the Son of God. Our motivation must always be our conviction that “Jesus is Lord!” He is the only path of access to the Father. This is true, not only by the Biblical record, but also by the fact that Jesus is not a representative of God – He IS God! We must continually be aware of the fact that the only Hope of the world is Jesus. Solutions to the world’s problems will NOT be achieved by the deeds of good men, a mighty military, or an adequate democratic government. Man’s best efforts produce nothing more than the reformation of the societal models. Jesus alone is able to produce the transformation of individuals within the society.
Live in the grace of Love.
The only true motivation of our life must be the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ! Our “intolerance” must be based upon the love of God, in Christ Jesus. You and I must desire to see people of all races, religions, creeds, and nations enter into a personal relationship with Christ. Our love for God and love for our fellow man reminds us daily of the horrors of an eternity apart from Christ.
The only true motivation of our life must be the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ! Our “intolerance” must be based upon the love of God, in Christ Jesus. You and I must desire to see people of all races, religions, creeds, and nations enter into a personal relationship with Christ. Our love for God and love for our fellow man reminds us daily of the horrors of an eternity apart from Christ.
The great lie of the 21st Century is counted by the ageless truth of God’s Word.
"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. " --Matt 28:18-20 NAS
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