There seems to be much talk these days about “bias”, or lack thereof, by everybody in the media. As I listen to “talk radio” or even “mainstream” media, I constantly hear comments about the bias of those doing the reporting. From the left I hear that their reporting is free of bias (which it is most certainly not) while those on the right rail of the blatant bias of all who are “reporting.” The truth is that nearly everyone who speaks, writes, or comments on any subject will almost always reveal their own personal bias. This is the case, I believe, because the personal convictions of the particular person doing the reporting will nearly always surface throughout the “story.”
Admittedly, this should not be the case in professional journalism. After all, the very definition of the word “journalism” is “writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation.’ This is certainly NOT the case with most modern-day reporting. Those on both sides of the political spectrum are attempting to influence public opinion through their presentations of the “facts” to support their agenda. In other words, they are filled with bias. While we connote bias in the media as negative – “meaning prejudice or unreasoned judgment” – the definition is also “a special inclination or bent.” This context is descriptive of our bias as Christians. Our bias is toward what God says in His word.
While I do NOT purport to be a journalist, I want the world to know, that I have a bias. In fact, I want you to be unmistakably clear that everything that we do is done with a bias! Here are my biases:
I BELIEVE there is but one living and true God, creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each is worthy of our worship, trust and obedience.
Admittedly, this should not be the case in professional journalism. After all, the very definition of the word “journalism” is “writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation.’ This is certainly NOT the case with most modern-day reporting. Those on both sides of the political spectrum are attempting to influence public opinion through their presentations of the “facts” to support their agenda. In other words, they are filled with bias. While we connote bias in the media as negative – “meaning prejudice or unreasoned judgment” – the definition is also “a special inclination or bent.” This context is descriptive of our bias as Christians. Our bias is toward what God says in His word.
While I do NOT purport to be a journalist, I want the world to know, that I have a bias. In fact, I want you to be unmistakably clear that everything that we do is done with a bias! Here are my biases:
I BELIEVE there is but one living and true God, creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each is worthy of our worship, trust and obedience.
I BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is true God and true man, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life and made atonement for our sins by His death on the cross. He arose bodily from the dead and ascended into heaven where, at the right hand of the Father, He is now our High Priest and Advocate.
I BELIEVE the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God. The scriptures are the supreme and final authority in all matters about which they speak.
I BELIEVE the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God. The scriptures are the supreme and final authority in all matters about which they speak.
I BELIEVE that man was created in the image of God to glorify and enjoy Him forever. Men fell into sin by a willful act of disobedience to God and consequently, all human beings are born with a sinful nature, commit acts of sin, and are eternally separated from God apart from salvation through Christ.
I BELIEVE that the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ and His bodily resurrection provide the only ground of justification for all who believe. This salvation is not obtained by human effort or merit, but is entirely a free gift of God's grace received through faith in Jesus Christ. God Himself will make the faith of all genuine believers persevere to the end, so that no child of God will ever be lost again.
I BELIEVE that all Christians will yet experience temporary personal sin and spiritual warfare in this life; but from the moment of salvation, God has provided the means for overcoming these in the truth of the Scriptures, the power of Christ through the indwelling Spirit, and the encouragement of the believers.
I BELIEVE in the personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ to earth in sovereign power and glory to visibly establish His righteous rule over creation. This blessed hope should vitally affect the daily life and service of the believer.
I BELIEVE that the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ and His bodily resurrection provide the only ground of justification for all who believe. This salvation is not obtained by human effort or merit, but is entirely a free gift of God's grace received through faith in Jesus Christ. God Himself will make the faith of all genuine believers persevere to the end, so that no child of God will ever be lost again.
I BELIEVE that all Christians will yet experience temporary personal sin and spiritual warfare in this life; but from the moment of salvation, God has provided the means for overcoming these in the truth of the Scriptures, the power of Christ through the indwelling Spirit, and the encouragement of the believers.
I BELIEVE in the personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ to earth in sovereign power and glory to visibly establish His righteous rule over creation. This blessed hope should vitally affect the daily life and service of the believer.
I BELIEVE in the bodily resurrection of the dead, of the believer to everlasting blessedness and joy in the presence of God, and of the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting punishment apart from God.
These are my biases. I will continue to do everything I do with these biases in mind. Now, what will Global Evangelism Ministries do? Listen again to our mission statement:
These are my biases. I will continue to do everything I do with these biases in mind. Now, what will Global Evangelism Ministries do? Listen again to our mission statement:
As God enables us, we will take the message of Jesus Christ into all the world and help people seek His Kingdom by preaching the Gospel message that calls for a decision which spiritually transforms people, churches, and cultures.
How do we plan to fulfill this mission? Our philosophy is clear and easy to understand.
Global Evangelism Ministries is a cross-cultural ministry, which operates on the front lines in compassionate, yet confrontational mass evangelism through a network of indigenous ministry teams around the world.
GEM will continue to do what we have always done.
- We will “go to them” and share the undeniable love of Jesus Christ with a lost and dying world.
- We will, without apology, tell people about God’s love for them. We will remind people that neither human efforts, good intentions, nor the sincerity of their own personal beliefs lead them to God as Savior.
- We will share with people the truth of Jesus Christ alone as the only guarantee of eternal life in the immediate presence of God.
These are our biases and we will continue to operate our life and ministry upon them. It is my prayer that you will continue to express your prayerful support for our efforts. However, we want you to know that we do have biases and hope that you share these as well. I pray that these biases, which are really nothing less than convictions, radiate through us all as we live our daily lives.
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