Previous Blogs

03 December 2010

December 2010 Newsletter

All I want for Christmas ... 
Pastors from Ghana express their Christmas wishes 

One of the most humbling times of my life is when I hear from our pastors in Ghana with regards to their needs. Their requests are rarely for anything of a personal nature.  

Here are the requests from one of our pastors, but his are a near mirror of what kind of requests come each month.
  • Please pray for peace, commitment, and church growth. 
  • Pray that the Lord give us divine favour and grant our children wisdom and knowledge.
  • I need a means of transport so that I can visit the village churches regularly.  I have over twenty churches to oversee.  I pray for a motorbike.
It is clear from all of our pastors there that now is the time we must provide transportation for these men.  Our five “district pastors” need motorbikes for the effectiveness of their ever expanding ministry assignments.

We have found a brother in Ghana who will sell us new Yamaha 125cc motorbikes at a cost of $700 (inclusive of registration, licenses, and insurance.)  The total cost of this need is $3,500.
If you are able to help us with this need, please make your check payable to GEM and mail to the address at the bottom of this page.  We hope to purchase these bikes before the end of 2010.

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