Previous Blogs

29 October 2010

How Can We Make The Message of Jesus Relevant Today?

In the modern world it seems like words have little meaning. The growing phenomenon of "situational conversation" is amazing. Politicians are seemingly masterful tacticians of this practice. They are apparently able to frame words, which once meant one thing, to mean something totally different while on the political trail. This "situational conversation" is the natural outgrowth of the flawed philosophy of "situational ethics" which has pervaded our educational institutions for several decades.

The societal problem is this: People only want to hear what is pleasing to self. In response to this desire those who are dispensing information and opinion use words which will gain the ear of the masses. The old adage of say what you mean and mean what you say has obviously become a part of our forgotten foundation. This is, I'm afraid, a microcosm of the state of affairs in the world today!

Recently I was listening to a person explain how the message of the church of Jesus Christ needed to be made relevant to people today. While this has a generally positive sounding ring to it, a careful analysis of the statement is very troubling. To state that the message must be "made relevant" implies that the message somehow has been "irrelevant." Should this be the case, there are at least three more substantial problems:

1. The word of God is antiquated and obsolete. If societal problems have evolved into epic proportions, unable to be addressed by the Word of God, then the original Word was never really necessary! In other words, the Bible, while useful for a time, is no longer necessary for revealing the truth of God. However, the Bible proclaims, "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever." (Isa 40:8)  therefore

2. The word of God is unreliable and untrue. If the Bible is obsolete, then it is untrue! The writer of Hebrews boldly proclaims "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Heb 13:8-9) Therefore the choice must be made. Wherein is the truth? It is either found in the Word of God, or it is found in the mind of man. If the message of Jesus Christ has become irrelevant, then it was never relevant. Should this be the case, I suggest that

3. The Christian faith is fraudulent. If the Bible is untrue at any level, then it is completely unreliable at every level! If Jesus Christ is NOT the same yesterday, today, and forever, then He is simply an ever-changing creature like all of us. As such, He cannot be divine, He cannot be the Son of God, He cannot be the sacrifice for our sins, and He cannot be the Savior or the World. In other words, if "The Message" has become irrelevant, then Jesus is irrelevant too!

I do not believe this to be the case! Global Evangelism Ministries is a cross-cultural ministry, which operates on the front lines in compassionate yet confrontational mass evangelism through a network of indigenous ministry teams around the world.

We do this because we fully believe that Jesus Christ is the only solution for the human problem. In a world filled with ever-changing words and leaders, we are committed to our task. Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel" (Mark 16:15)  and we will obey.

In my opinion the greatest tragedy in the modern church is the failure to preach the gospel. Too many pulpits and classrooms are filled by people talking about the gospel rather than actually preaching the gospel. Talk about the gospel, while academic and socially acceptable, will never transform a human life. Only a personal encounter with the Living Lord Jesus can accomplish this.

Read again our mission statement: As God enables us, we will take the message of Jesus Christ into all the world and help people seek His Kingdom by preaching the Gospel message that calls for a decision which spiritually transforms people, churches, and cultures.

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