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24 October 2010

Cowboys, Indians, and the Garden of Eden

As the weather gets cooler here it reminds me again why I love calling North Carolina home.  Mary and I spent the day yesterday in the mountains with our two year old grandson Jayden at Tweetsie Rail Road.   This old amusement park was the perfect reminder of the best and worst of today's society.

It was perfect because the simple things brought wide-eyes to our grandson.  He loved riding the old steam engine, feeding the animals in Deer Park, riding the Merry-go-round, and licking on his big lolipop.  It was an absolute joy to watch him enjoy the day with maw-maw and pop-pop.  Yep, a day at Tweetsie (with Mary and Jayden) was a perfect reminder that we should never forget the simple things in life!

It was a bad day because of what I witnessed on the train ride which is billed as a wild-west cowboy tradition.  What I learned from this historical entertainment was that the Cowboys were the bad guys and the Indians were the good guys. The show revealed to us that none of the Cowboys (frontier Americans) could be trusted and that the Native American Indians did nothing but protect us from ourselves!

Now before you respond by telling me that I am reading too much in to this, or that the entire civilization of Native Americans were really just the victims of the greedy expansionists, all I am trying to say is this:  "Revisionist history is everywhere."  I can see this fact in nearly every facet of modern life. The dumb-ing down of America is a plague that will certainly have long-lasting consequences.

I am convinced that one of the tools Satan has, and is using, is to systematically deceive people into believing a lie over the truth.  What started in the Garden of Eden is alive and active today.  It's not just in social history, but more importantly it is in Biblical truth. 

Cloaked in the veil of sensitivity, tolerance, and inclusiveness is the destruction of both the Biblical record and eternal truth.  I hear people everyday tell me that all Faiths are equal and that only a bigot would stand on the ground of Jesus being the only way to eternal life. 

There is in our society today an organized and orchestrated plan to discredit and destroy the things of God.  There is an open attack on true Christian conviction that is being carried out by a cast of characters that includes the media, the politicians, and the intelligencia.  The director and producer of this drama is none other than satan himself.  While some will ridicule my position even a cursory reading of scripture reveals the truth.

We are spiraling toward the end times.  All the pieces of the puzzle are so closely aligned that the smallest shake will cause the pieces to lock together to complete the scene.

Let me encourage you to study your Bible, live in Truth and stand up for the principles on which your life is built.  Be aware of the revisionists attempts to re-write history and stamp out the Christian faith.  You and I have a responsibility to be obedient to Christ in sharing is love with a lost and dying world .  Remember, "faith comes by hearing ... and hearing by the Word of God."  The lies of the enemy are getting louder and louder.  Be a witness for Jesus in everything you do.

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